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Pupils will be considered for enrolment in Years 9-12 provided that:


  1. The school does not exceed its enrolment number.

  2. Places are available in the particular year group and their admission will not cause the particular year group to exceed the admissions number set for it, at its time of entry.

  3. In the opinion of the Board of Governors their admission would not prejudice the efficient use of the school’s resources – e.g. the pupil’s inclusion in a class would render the numbers in any subject taught to the class to be unacceptable.


If, at the time of the consideration of the application, there are more eligible applicants than places available, then the criteria will be applied in the order set out below


1. Applicants who at the date of their application have another girl of the family (as defined by the Department of Education * see note below) currently enrolled in the school or at the date of their application have a girl of the family selected for admission to the school in the coming school year.


2. Applicants who are the first girl in the family to transfer to secondary education. This criterion includes “only” children, and the Board of Governors will treat twins (or other multiples) as joint eldest.

Applicants who consider that this criterion applies to them (as the “first” girl in the family to transfer     to secondary education), must provide a verifying letter written on headed notepaper, and signed           by one of the following, who is not a member of the applicant’s family:


  • School principal

  • Family doctor

  • Solicitor

  • Parish priest/member of clergy who is known to the family

  • The verifying letter must be included with the Application.


3. In the event of over subscription in any one criterion when applied in the order set, the selection of available places will be carried out using a method of random selection. The following random selection process will be applied in the event of over subscription in any of the criteria listed based on the initial letter of the pupil’s surname as stated on her long birth certificate in the order set below.


H  B  K  P  S  X  O  N  G  Q  E  U  D  M  Z  L  W  J  C  V  A  I  R  F  T  Y


The order was determined by a random selection and witnessed by an independent adjudicator. In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter, the subsequent letters of the surnames will be used in alphabetical order. In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the initials of forenames will be used. In the event of the forenames beginning with the same initial letter, the subsequent letters of the forenames will be used in alphabetical order.

If, after this process, any applicants still tie for a final place, the place(s) will be allocated by random computerised selection.


*A “girl of the family” is regarded as a “child of the family”, as defined by DE in Circular 2023/15

  (available on Department of Education website:


Applications for admission at the start of a school year will normally be considered in late August. The closing date for AP1 forms to be received by the school is 23rd August.



Applications made in a particular academic year will be considered only for entry in that year.

Applicants will be required to make a new application for any subsequent year.

A waiting list of applicants will be held until the 30th June of the academic year that the application was made.


In the event of more applications than places available for pupils, applicants will be considered first where places in the year group do not exceed the admissions number set for it, at its time of entry.


Note: Applicants to Year 13 will be considered for admission before applicants to the year groups listed above.

Post 16 Admissions Criteria is available on the school website and from the school office.

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