ICT /Digital Technology
All students in Mount Lourdes receive discrete ICT classes at Key Stage 3. Year 8 students have two periods of ICT a week with one period in Years 9 and 10. These are skills based classes to enable subject teachers to deliver their content through a range of packages including Word, Publisher, Internet and Email, Web Design, PowerPoint, Excel, GameMaker, Open Mind, Audacity, Access and Movie Maker.
GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia)
This course develops practical skills using a range of generic software. It builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Cross-Curricular Skill of Using ICT. These skills include computational thinking, problem-solving and creativity. Students also develop skills that will help them to effectively manage information, work independently and work with others. It can lead to further study in both GCE Digital Technology and GCE Software Systems Development.
Unit 1: Digital Technology
In this unit, students explore a range of digital technologies available for data storage, manipulation, presentation and transfer. They also evaluate the importance of data security and data legislation. They will learn about databases and spreadsheets.
1hr External written examination – 30%
Unit 2: Digital Authoring Concepts
In this unit, students gain an understanding of the concepts in the development of digital systems. It enhances the knowledge and skills developed in Unit 1. They will learn how to develop a database solution, use multimedia assetts, the significance of testing and how to evaluate a digital solution.
1hr 30 mins External written examination – 40%
Unit 3: Digital Authoring Practice
In this unit, students design, develop and test digital multimedia systems. They create an interactive solution along with a database system based on the Scenario in the CCEA Task.
Controlled Assessment - 30%
The controlled assessment task is worth 90 marks and will take a maximum of 36 hours to complete.
This course provides an opportunity to build on the skills and capabilities developed through the delivery of the KS3 curriculum. It is also a very suitable foundation for the study of Digital Technology at AS/A Level. It is a practical skills based qualification allowing the student to acquire a range of skills across various software packages.
Studying Digital Technology could enhance career opportunities and provide a coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study for all students whether they choose to progress on to further studies in this subject. The ICT skills acquired at GCSE level will be invaluable in any AS/A Level course regardless of content and in the working lives of our students as Digital Technology permeates all jobs.
For those who pursue a career in Digital Technology the opportunities are many and varied.
Career Opportunities
Digital Media
Mobile Development
Cloud Computing
Managing Big Data
Website Designer
Graphics Designer
Computer programmer
Software Engineer
Database Administrator
Project Manager
Systems Analyst
Software Support Technician
IT Technician
Computer Animation
Computer Aided Design
Mobile Apps Developer
ICT Sales Assistants
Multimedia Production Assistant
Network Administrator
Network Engineer
Customer Service Support
…..and many more.
Digital Technology
This course is for students interested in current and emerging technologies, the impact they have and how to use them effectively.
Students can take:
the AS course as a final qualification; or
the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification.
It gives students opportunities to progress to career paths leading to professional IT management and the responsible use of IT within industry.
It offers advanced study of modern technology-based systems.
If you study the full GCE then it would provide a good foundation for students going on to further study ICT/ Computing related courses at university.
AS 1: Approaches to System Development
In this unit, students develop knowledge and understanding of the various approaches to the development of complex systems, the key stages in the development process and the outputs produced at each stage.
AS 2: Fundamentals of Digital Technology
In this unit, students develop knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of any system such as data representation, computer architecture, software and the user interface.
A2 1: Information Systems
In this unit, students develop knowledge and understanding of concepts such as computer networks, databases, mobile technologies, cloud computing, legislation, and moral and ethical issues. It acts as an extension to Unit AS 2: Fundamentals of Digital Technology for students progressing from AS Level.
A2 2: Application Development
In this unit, students have the opportunity to become involved in a real-world situation where they can apply their skills, knowledge and understanding of digital technology to solve a problem for a specified client. Students apply their practical skills to produce a solution and associated detailed documentation for the client.
AS 1: Approaches to System Development
External written examination - short and extended questions
1 hour 30 minutes
50% of AS
20% of A level
AS 2: Fundamentals of Digital Technology
External written examination - short and extended questions
1 hour 30 minutes
50% of AS
20% of A level
A2 1: Information Systems
External written examination - short and extended questions
2 hours 30 minutes
40% of A level
A2 2: Application Development
Internal assessment
Students compile a portfolio showing evidence of the analysis, design, development, testing and evaluation of an application for a specified end user detailed in the CCEA case study.
20% of A level
The AS course builds on the GCSE Digital Technology course so these students will be at an advantage as they will have already gained skills, knowledge and understanding of digital technology.
This specification aims to encourage students to:
develop a genuine interest in digital technology;
gain an understanding of the system development process;
gain an awareness of a range of technologies and an appreciation of the potential impact these may have on individuals, organisations and society;
participate in developing an application while adhering to the system development process;
develop an understanding of the consequences of using digital technology on individuals, organisations and society, and of social, legal, ethical and other considerations of using digital technology;
apply their skills to relevant work-related scenarios;
carry out research and development, and present their findings in different formats;
develop advanced study skills that help them prepare for third level education;
develop advanced skills in a range of development environments and a mixture of examination formats and question types.
Digital Media
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Managing Big Data
Website Designer
User Experience Designer
Mobile Development
Graphics Designer
Video Game Designer
Computer programmer
Software Engineer
Database Administrator
Project Manager
Systems Analyst
Software Support Technician
IT Technician
Computer Animation
Computer Aided Design
Mobile Apps Developer
ICT Sales Assistants
Multimedia Production Assistant
Network Administrator
Network Engineer
Customer Service Support
…..and many more.