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Home Economics/ Nutrition and Food Science

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Key Features

The course offers up-to-date study areas which are highly relevant to consumers and the food industry.  

Students are provided with an opportunity to develop their research skills in order to produce an investigative report.        

The nutrition and health elements at AS provide a thorough knowledge base for those interested in a career within nutrition and health sectors.        


In Mount Lourdes there are 3 levels of study for the subject of Home Economics.


Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 students are offered a double period of Home Economics weekly, incorporating a range of theory and practical lessons. Some areas of study include: Safety and hygiene, nutrition across the lifespan, priority health issues, resource management, home and family life, food provenance and consumer legislation.


Key Stage 4: GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition

GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition, provides a unique opportunity for students to investigate the relationship between nutrition, food choice and health. Students will learn about the nutritional content of foods and how to meet the specific nutritional and dietary needs of different groups of people. To do this, they modify recipes and plan, prepare and cook meals that reflect current government nutritional guidelines. They also study how to be an effective consumer in relation to food choice, food safety and managing resources.

It equips students with a range of skills including problem-solving, ICT, decision-making, nutritional analysis, and practical skills.




Year 11: No official assessments are carried out in Year 11.


Year 12:

a) External Examination: 50% consisting of one 2 hr written exam paper.

b) Controlled Assessment: 50%.  Candidates undertake one assignment which will assess their research and practical skills. They will research a food related topic area and will gather and analyse a number of viewpoints on this. They will use their findings to suggest, justify and create a range of suitable dishes for a particular population group.


Key Stage 5: A level Nutrition and Food Science

Nutrition and Food Science is a diverse subject which provides students with an opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding in the fields of nutrition, health and food safety. It also allows students to develop their research and report writing skills.


Key Features

The course offers up-to-date study areas which are highly relevant to consumers and the food industry. Students are provided with an opportunity to develop their research skills in order to produce an investigative report. The nutrition and health elements at AS provide a thorough knowledge base for those interested in a career within nutrition and health sectors.      


A Level Subject Content



AS Unit 1 Principles of Nutrition:

An in-depth study of nutrition including macro and micro-nutrients and other dietary constituents. The application of nutritional knowledge to assess food demands across the lifespan and recommended levels of nutrient consumption.


AS Unit 2 Diet, Lifestyle and Health:

A range of health conditions are studied including obesity, diabetes and cancer as well as investigating the areas of alcohol consumption and physical activity. Students will also investigate the factors which have impacted our current day eating patterns and levels of energy intake and expenditure.




A2 Unit 1 Food Safety and Quality:

Pupils will investigate how food safety measures are put into practice throughout the food chain to reduce food poisoning cases and limit the risk of chemical contamination. Pupils will study the work of key organisations which aim to improve levels of food safety e.g. the World Health Organisation and the Food Standards Authority.


A2 Unit 2 Research Project:

Students choose a topic area relevant to the Nutrition and Food Science course and will conduct primary and secondary research. This information will then be used to construct a written report which will develop their research and writing skills.



AS Unit 1: One examination paper (1hr 30min) 50% of AS or 20% of A-level

AS Unit 2: One examination paper (1hr 30min) 50% of AS or 20% of A-level


A2 Unit 1: One examination paper (2hrs 30min) 30% of A-level

A2 Unit 2: A 4,000 word research paper 30% of A-level


​Recommended Subject/s and Grades at GCSE


Home Economics A*-B

Double Award Science A*-C


Career Possibilities

Dietician, Nutritionist, Nursing, Environmental Health, Food Technologist, Food Product Developer, Home Economics Teacher, Home Economist, Consumer Protection and Health Promotion to name a few.


Other Information

This course is constantly evolving to meet the needs of consumers in a complex environment. The employment outlook in this area is very positive with a vast range of possibilities available in a global setting as the food and consumer industries are major employers worldwide.

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