Catholic Ethos & Aims
In Mount Lourdes our Catholic ethos and Mercy tradition permeate all aspects of school life making Mount Lourdes a caring and supportive community. Each individual student is valued here. We are committed to nurturing and fostering the holistic development of each student. Mount Lourdes provides a warm, happy, welcoming atmosphere with high standards of pastoral care and support.
Our approach is founded on a special partnership between parents/ guardians, the school and our students. We therefore work closely to ensure each young person achieves the very best and reaches their full potential. We believe in setting high standards across all aspects of school life and we are confident that with the support and cooperation of parents / guardians we can look forward to our students having success and achievement in all areas of school life.
The School Aims
Recognising that everybody is unique, the school strives to create a community atmosphere so that each student and member of staff is respected and appreciated as a person of importance.
to motivate our students in the pursuit of a high standard of personal achievement and skills development by providing a varied range of quality learning and teaching experiences in a stimulating environment.
to ensure that our students have access to a broad curriculum which enables them to access a wide variety of career pathways.
to enable each student to fully develop her talents by providing opportunities for participation in an extensive range of extra-curricular activities.
to further establish links with the local and wider community to enhance student experiences and opportunities.
to create and maintain a safe pastoral environment in which the health and wellbeing of individual students is nurtured; an attitude of self-discipline, resilience and responsibility for her own actions is encouraged and a sense of self-worth is fostered.
to promote a collaborative team spirit among staff and to support their professional development.
to work in partnership with parents in the promotion of the overall growth and development of the student, acknowledging the role of parents as primary educators of the young person.
to help students acquire and develop Christian values, attitudes and moral standards - based on Catholic teaching - that will influence and inform their choices and behaviour throughout life.
to provide a positive and inclusive environment in which all students and staff are respected, valued and supported.
Code of Conduct
In line with the school’s aims and policies, Mount Lourdes seeks to establish a community in which the full potential of each student can be developed and in which understanding and tolerance can be found. It strives to promote respect for the individual and to create an atmosphere in which learning can take place and each student can flourish.
All students are expected to:
Adopt a positive attitude to their school work and achieve their full potential.
Show respect for members of staff, other students and their property.
Maintain a high standard of uniform at all times.
Follow the school rules and regulations.
Take pride in Mount Lourdes, the school property, and its environment.